Sad Attack On America 

         With tears in her eyes she made her last call, not knowing that soon the two towers would fall. Amidst the rubble, plaster and billowing smoke she would be buried among thousands of innocent folk. The hijacked planes were in mid flight, the damage they caused turned day into night. We heard a man tell his sister good-bye, his voice choked up as he knew he was about to die. A couple who had been married only two months before, she never dreamed it was the last time she would see him as he walked out the door. A woman sat crying, her loved one lost, the terrorist took many people not caring the cost, her unborn child just starting to move would not know its daddy for his life he'd soon lose. A mother and child were on one plane her childhood friend on another, who could fathom that within minutes they would perish, separated by planes, in death they were together. forty-five innocents on flight 93, three brave men were probably the key to diverting another mass attack by fighting the the terrorist, by fighting them back. As of today 9-16-01 126 persons were in the Pentagon, 64 were in the plane, America needs to hope and pray nothing happens like this again. 180 confirmed dead, 5097 are missing in The World Trade Center attack. The families of these victims , the heart wrenching fear they must feel 
for a moment----------------- 
The terrorists may have broken our spirit but they will never ever break our will for United We Stand. Written by: Carolyn Shannon of Urbana Ohio

this picture was drawn by a schoolchild...not sure how old, but I think its really interesting...and I think accurate....
      I was lying on the couch waiting to take my wife to work, it was just a few minutes before 9:00 AM E.S.T the date was September 11, 2001. I heard the CBS news announcer say. "We have just received a report that the World Trade Center had been struck by an airplane. We're going to take you to live on the scene reports." 

       I sprung from the couch to see what was happening, watching the report live. The aftermath it was so tragic. The commentator was discussing the events and trying to bring us up to date with the hours events. The W.T.C. was burning uncontrollably,  fire was  shooting from the windows of several floors. There was no way the fire dept could get to this fire some 80 stories from the ground. I knew that the souls of people I had never met , never known had cried out in the anguish of pain and death. I knew from history that there could be a very slim chance that anyone could live with the smoke, intense heat the ensuing panic of survivors trying to get to the stairwells blinded by smoke, the fire raging. 

      When I saw the second jet hit the second tower, I envisioned the above picture. Tears in my eyes I knew the United States was at war. My heart cries for the lost souls as God was collecting them, innocent people murdered. The Heavens cried out as this evil took place on this day. This attack was not directed at a military installation, in general but at the entire free world. Then the news of a third strike at the Pentagon and a fourth plane going down in a rural region of Pennsylvania. I now felt sorry and cried over new worries that of our sons and daughters growing up in a society of a new and foreseen world. The children brought into the free world would be fighting this war, just as they have for centuries in the Middle East. Our children and our grandchildren will die for the freedoms we had fought for and people have fought for since the beginning of time. This fight is so different from wars fought before this time.  Instead of a fight between military leaders and forces this enemy is the unknown, the unseen.

     No Hannibal, Genghis Kahn, or William the Conqueror. This war will pit neighbors against neighbors as terrorism looms so shall the fear grow. Who can you trust. The enemy has secretly deployed through every county in the world. They have infiltrated the neighborhoods, universities, positions in major corporations, and our governments. They have access to secure information and are spread throughout that you can not determine who or when they strike. The world is scared as never before. This war has already cost  thousands of lives in the history of the world. This war has been going on for centuries it is a religious war that pits evil against God the war is being fought in the name of God, but in reality it is to force a way of life out. 
      My tears go out to the world that will remain as the war continues, as our children and their children fight this war. Freedoms will be lost our way of life will change new systems of identification are already being sought. New security measures being put in place the world over. If we don't buckle to the terrorist we still have lost much more than we can ever see. The discussion of micro-chips in soldiers for antibiotics to germ and bio-chemical warfare how long before this decision is to be used for identification purposes. A bar code stamped in you at birth will that be next. Are the computers we use everyday being given to much power as they are beginning to control more and more. The new systems are becoming independent of human control and if a human controls them who is to say who the human is? How can they be trusted, maybe they take control of banking, intelligence, our very existence. 
       The above Picture I received in the mail, It was drawn as I understand by a twelve year old little girl, All I did was resize and frame it.