Where is your God today?

If anyone doubts God's presence, share this...

        I had a very dear friend question my faith in God right after the terrorist attack on America. Her question was simply put, "Where is your God today?" She was very hurt, as all Americans were, so I tried not to react defensively. Since that moment I have prayed and grieved over the disastrous events. However, I believe I have the answer. I know where my God was the morning of September 11, 2001! He was very busy.

This is very good response if someone ask you this question.

      First of all, he was trying to discourage anyone from taking this flight. Those four flights together could hold over 1000 passengers, but there were only 266 aboard.
      He was on 4 commercial flights giving terrified passengers the ability to stay calm. Not one of the family members who was called by a loved one on one of the high-jacked planes said that passengers were screaming in the background. On one of the flights he was giving strength to passengers to try to overtake the highjackers.
      He was busy trying to create obstacles for employees at the World Trade  Center. After all only around 20,000 were at the towers when the first jet hit. Since the buildings hold over 50,000 workers, this was a miracle in itself. How many of the people who were employed at the WTC told the media that they were late for work or they had traffic delays.

     He was holding up 2-110 story buildings so that 2/3 of the workers could get out. I was so amazed that the top of the towers didn't topple when the jets impacted.
     And what about how America and its people have come together in prayer for our great nation and the world. It's time we all remember where our strength comes from - GOD.   He wants us to look to Him for everything, in good times and bad.   This tragedy is a wake up call for the world -- we need to start living right, as God's people should.
     Although this is without a doubt the worst thing I have seen in my life, I can see God's miracles in every bit of it. I keep thinking about my friend and praying for her every chance I have. I can't imagine going through such a difficult time and not believing in God. Life would be hopeless.

"We can't change the wind, but we can adjust our sails!"

     The concrete and steel laid in twisted unrecognizable masses. You would never believe such a thing could happen. But it had happened, and it was right at the front door of America. Terrorists had attacked in the mid morning hour and destroyed the two towers making up the World Trade Center. One-hundred-ten stories each reaching high into the sky now laying in piles of rubble, tons of concrete, steel, bodies, and memories.   Nothing was recognizable except the rescue workers from all over the country, some even came from other countries to help with rescue efforts that were not in vain. The survivor count could never be much, but if one person was alive they had to be found . Most of the survivors were rescue workers themselves, caught in the collapse after the building had been engulfed in flames. Any survivors from the buildings had to be from the floors that were below the impact points of the hijacked jets. The upper floors could hold only heartache and sorrow for our lost friends, family, and co-workers. Days later, deep within the bowels of the World Trade Center, the rescue became a recovery and cleanup  mission,  as they continued looking for victims. As they cleared away the rubble, tons of twisted,  melted steel and crushed concrete. they came upon the only recognizable item left of the building. A CROSS! Maybe it was an omen? 

Is it time for a Salvation Check? Do you know where God is in your life?

     And he cried out "Father why has thou forsaken me?" Knowing the answer in himself as it had been spoke by the prophets to the families of Israel. Jesus said to his disciples prior to his crucifixion that "he must go to prepare a place for them." This place was a place in Heaven with our Lord. On the third day after the crucifixion, angels of God appeared at the Tomb where Jesus had been laid to rest and as the people came to mourn the passing of their Lord they were ask "why do you seek the living amongst the dead. The Lord Jesus Christ was arisen."  Jesus had to fulfill the prophecies, he had to be slain in that through his blood we may have life after death, For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that who so ever believeth in him shall  never perish but have everlasting life.


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